Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thought on The Light of Heaven

Have you ever considered that many planets throughout solar systems in many galaxies must be situated so that light from the galactic center plus it's reflective light on nearby colossal panoramic dust clouds must shine constantly on those planets along with the light of their own sun or multiple suns. In the right situations and positioned correctly many planets must be bathed completely and continually in light. In the bible it tells us that heaven or the new earth is bathed in light completely and continually, as if it was like perpetual high noon, with the light of God. Light coming from a galactic center and that light reflected from enormous galactic dust clouds surrounding nearby could very well be like the "light" of God. Also it is possible that any planet near the real center or origin of the big bang would see out through all the stars ever created in the expanding universe and if the origin of the universe is sufficently "far back" from us then any planet there might see out through so many stars that they would light up the night sky like day. Something to retain for future consideration.

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