Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thought on The Light of Heaven

Have you ever considered that many planets throughout solar systems in many galaxies must be situated so that light from the galactic center plus it's reflective light on nearby colossal panoramic dust clouds must shine constantly on those planets along with the light of their own sun or multiple suns. In the right situations and positioned correctly many planets must be bathed completely and continually in light. In the bible it tells us that heaven or the new earth is bathed in light completely and continually, as if it was like perpetual high noon, with the light of God. Light coming from a galactic center and that light reflected from enormous galactic dust clouds surrounding nearby could very well be like the "light" of God. Also it is possible that any planet near the real center or origin of the big bang would see out through all the stars ever created in the expanding universe and if the origin of the universe is sufficently "far back" from us then any planet there might see out through so many stars that they would light up the night sky like day. Something to retain for future consideration.

Contemplating What is Real and What Will Be

When the reality of what is truly real dawns it will be a wonderous day. Will we do what is right for the promise of an incredibly better day? Will you deny yourself for the benefit of others? Is that the test of citizenship in Heaven. Is Heaven the universe or another spiritual reality entirely? Is that love of God needed to truly deny yourself the requirement for admission to the broader universe or Heaven? If so there must be a great purpose for men in the place we go next together with the renewed fellowship with God.

Realities Of Our Own Celesitial Space & The Abundance of God

There is order in the heavens and spread out beyond this galaxy over the entire universe are many other galaxies and worlds abundant in the universe but there is sobering reality in all this. 
According to the speed of light most of these galaxies are inaccesible by others, permantely isolated in it's own space at least relative to travel speed and human longevity. Even if we could travel at the speed of light stars much beyond the nearest system of Alpha Centauri would be very long journeys and, in effect, a lifetime commitment. Alpha Centauri, or also called the "Rigel System", would take at least 5 years.

Our only projected technology finds us traveling somewhere at least within the speed of light. Traveling faster of course relative to Einstein physics finds us turning into energy according to his E=MC2 so apparently we could never travel at twice the speed of light at the maximum and anything close would of course seem to be a bit risky. With that restriction you can figure that no one from this planet will ever see anyplace even close to 200 light years, or parsecs, away. 

There is the theory that the closer you approach the speed of light the slower time passes but that theory will have to be proven before men will factor it in to space travel and even then what good would that do those waiting back on earth for news of your incredible new discoveries since their time did not slow down leaving them perhaps even no longer in existence? So aside from the time theory, even with some kind of ion driven ship we are limited to a very small part of our own galaxy.

How small is that? Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is 100 thousand light years across & 3000 light years thick. According to the accepted theory of Einstein physics we can never leave our very very small neighborhood of space in this galaxy but wait, Einstein also theorized the existence of worm-holes in space, those big spiral openings that StarTrek's enterprise would slip through now and then to get somewhere else far-away. Wormholes are theoretical and have never been observed but that appears to be the only possiblity with the exception of God actually translating you somewhere.

Now, with all that consider the millions of light years of dark expanse between galaxies. According to what we know, unless worm-holes connect between galaxies, we will not be going to any other galaxies. 

Galaxies are exceedingly beautiful objects in the universe apparently completely isolated from one another and it is this isolation but orderly beauty that leads me to believe that God has at least something going on in each galaxy. The majesty of these celestial jewels were never meant for man to see from the surface of the earth with the naked eye so it would seem they have their own special purpose. It is a kind of logical result of the structure of the universe and the orderliness of God. We have the example of once believing that there was nothing else, let alone life, beyond the seas of the old world but thousands of islands inhabited with humans greeted our ancient sailors as they traversed the seas during the first explorations. There is no reason to believe that God has not also sprinkled life throughout the islands of galaxies in the heavens. 

God is a bountiful and generous God and the notion that he has put life in all these beautiful "islands" just seems appropriate to God. Would we be so self-centered and arrogant to believe we are the only life in this universe? Well, it seems absurd to think so. 

All this, however, we could never know or prove without the knowledge and help of God. It is as of now, something you believe.